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Cover image for Is Now the Right Time to Buy a House in the UK? Weighing the Pros and Cons of a Stabilizing Market


Is Now the Right Time to Buy a House in the UK? Weighing the Pros and Cons of a Stabilizing Market

The UK housing market has always been a point of interest for investors and homebuyers alike, including many Nigerians looking for opportunities abroad. The UK housing market has experienced significant changes in recent years, with the COVID-19 pandemic being a key driver of market fluctuations. After rapid price growth in the aftermath of the pandemic, the market has shown signs of stability, with moderate price increases expected in 2024.

Cover image for FX Volatility And How It Impacts Savings And Investment.

Ujunwa Igwenagu

FX Volatility And How It Impacts Savings And Investment.

Adewale was saving to buy a new laptop worth ₦250,000 around December 2023. It was not in stock, so I added an extra ₦50,000 to cover potential fluctuations in the naira to the dollar exchange rate, especially since the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) allowed the naira to float after the new government took office. As the Naira-to-dollar exchange rate continued to drop, by May 5th, the laptop's price had risen to ₦400,000, and my savings were inadequate.

Cover image for Black Wednesday: The Lessons For CBN


Black Wednesday: The Lessons For CBN

Today, we will explore an event from 1992, that provides great insight for policy makers in Nigeria. Let's get ready to dive in. Black Wednesday refers to September 22 1992, when a collapse in the pound sterling forced the UK to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism(ERM) because it could not prevent the pound from falling below the lower limit specified by the ERM.

Cover image for Saving Hacks for Busy Nigerians: 5 Smart Strategies to Boost Your Savings Habit


Saving Hacks for Busy Nigerians: 5 Smart Strategies to Boost Your Savings Habit

Developing the habit of saving money is undeniably challenging, especially given the current economic landscape. Factors such as foreign exchange volatility and the constant struggle to meet immediate needs often overshadow the importance of saving for the future.

Cover image for Investment 101


Investment 101

This blog post is for you if you're feeling left behind while everyone else seems to be building wealth and enjoying passive income on their investments. Or if you're struggling with starting your investment journey.

Cover image for Unexpected Expenses Don't Have to Wreck Your Wallet: Build your savings with PariVest.


Unexpected Expenses Don't Have to Wreck Your Wallet: Build your savings with PariVest.

Saving money is incredibly important, and it is wise to set aside funds for unexpected events. However, in the current economic climate, saving in a stable currency that protects your naira from devaluation and inflation should be considered.

Cover image for Financial Security vs. Independence vs. Freedom: Understanding Your Journey.


Financial Security vs. Independence vs. Freedom: Understanding Your Journey.

Have you ever wondered about the difference between financial security, independence, and freedom? While these terms might seem interchangeable, they represent distinct stages in your financial journey.

Cover image for Surviving the Naira Storm: PariVest - Your Beacon of Hope in Turbelent Times


Surviving the Naira Storm: PariVest - Your Beacon of Hope in Turbelent Times

Are you grappling with the effects of the falling Naira and seeking a reliable solution to protect your wealth?

Cover image for Naira vs. Pound: Unleashing Investment Potential with PariVest


Naira vs. Pound: Unleashing Investment Potential with PariVest

Welcome, dear readers! Today, we dive into the exciting world of foreign exchange and explore the ongoing devaluation of the naira against the British pound. In this blog post, we'll discuss recent developments in the foreign exchange market and highlight an investment opportunity that allows you to leverage the strength of the pound.

Cover image for SVB Failure and the Risk of Contagion


SVB Failure and the Risk of Contagion

Last week, there was upheaval in the US banking sector when Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), a US-based bank whose primary customers were cash-burning start-ups with millions of dollars raised from the venture capital community, collapsed, leaving depositors anxious about the safety of their deposits.

Cover image for How We Manage Your Money


How We Manage Your Money

Have you ever wondered how we invest your money here at PariVest? This week, we put together some insight on how we manage your money together with our usual news briefing from UK and Nigeria.

Cover image for Understanding PariVest’s Return on Investment


Understanding PariVest’s Return on Investment

If you have been pondering over our return on investment or have been tempted to compare our offering with what other apps in the market offer, then keep reading to understand the proper way to make that comparison.

Cover image for The UK Housing Market


The UK Housing Market

Back on planet UK, the real estate market has been hurtling towards the stars at breakneck speed since Brexit. Official figures out this week show that prices rose 12.4% over the year to April 2022, with average sold prices reaching dizzying heights of £281,000. There are regional disparities, average prices in England increased to £299,000 (11.9%), in Wales to £212,000 (16.2%), and in Scotland to £188,000 (16.2%).

Cover image for Nigeria’s Debt Crises: How we got here


Nigeria’s Debt Crises: How we got here

A lot has been written about Nigeria’s soaring debt levels and what it portends for the future of our country. You may have been pondering how we got here and what it means for you personally. Well, consider no more, we are here to make sense of it all for you.